Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Freedom And Liberty Are A Personal Matter - Ragardless Of Who Is In Office

Dear Mayor Love,

Those who support the constitution and are against checkpoints are not FOR Drunk Driving.
We are FOR Civil Liberties and the protection of individual rights.

I have seen checkpoints in other states but never to the degree that was seen Saturday night.
(Even small checkpoints are unconstitutional)

It took nearly 40 minutes to get from Bluffdale to Harvest Hills.

The flood lights, generators, and level of police presence was shocking and alarming.

Are you sure you support the constitution - IN ITS ENTIRETY?

Or are you one of those who is willing to rob us of a large portion of our Liberties in the name of providing a small level of security?

Saratoga's Police checkpoint is both a violation of the constitution and a waste of resources that could be used to clean up the city's own weeds.


Frank Townsman


to me

show details Jul 23 (4 days ago)

I checked into this and found out that the check point was conducted by the Lehi PD.
It seems to me that you have a problem with me personally. I don't know why. I haven't meet you or done anything to my knowledge that would offend you.
I am as I said very conservative and am also a 9/12 member. I took on this job so I can serve. I will start making 820 a month and that doesn't even cover my out of pocket cost.
The first I've heard of a major outside of the Peltekian problem was the letter to sent to me in the media last week. The email was in my opinion, hostile and threatening. I don't repository well to either. I was disappointed that a fellow conservative would have taken such a stand without first offering an opportunity to discuss the problem.
I am however going to find a system that would allow the residents have an outlet to discuss police issues and make recommendations to the council about police behavior, by creating a Citizens PD Review Commitee.
I am asking you to please try and respectfully work with me through these problems and get the coucil involved. I do not have a vote so I can't do a thing without the council approvals.
Mia B. Love

Sent from my HTC on the Now Network from Sprint!


Dear Mayor Love

It Is Absolutely Nothing Personal..
We are sorry you have you have personalized it.
This is about Liberty and Freedom and whether or not government is aimed to serve or to harass the people of Saratoga Springs.
Many Saratoga Springs citizens feel as though local government is out to gouge them for a buck at every turn.

As the mayor you are The Boss - correct?
When the people have a question or a concern, they go to the Boss.

Saying that we intend to demonstrate publicly or to vote you out if you ignore what the people perceive to be a problem is part of our constitutional right.

This is not a personal threat to you - it is a promise to exercise our constitutional rights as citizens of the United States of America to assemble and to vote.

You of all people as a servant of the people should be pleased that we have taken action.

You see, this is a major issue we face currently in local, state and federal government - which we hope you are well aware of. Government does not listen to the people.

This shouldn't hurt your feelings.
But we are glad we have your attention.

By the way, may we remind you that this (and your compensation no matter how big or small) is what you signed up for when you ran for office.

And FYI The Checkpoint was on Redwood Road between Bluffdale and Saratoga Springs, which is believed by most citizens to be Saratoga Springs Jurisdiction as Lehi PD NEVER Patrols that area as does Saratoga Springs PD.
and with the Bluffdale Saratoga Springs merge it is easy to understand why people would believe such to be the case.
This could have been easily prevented by A: Notifying the public and B: Simply abiding by the constitution.

We are preparing a list of issues that we would like to have you look into and will offer a response to your first letter of response to keep the main dialogue open.

We are taking time to conduct in independent investigation of the issues currently plaguing our community.
We will present our findings to you in a constructive and helpful manner.
We also plan to schedule an open forum and will do so soon.

We look forward to working together.


Frank Townsman
(The voice of Concerned Citizens)

We are genuinely concerned for the safety of those who plan to use The Saratoga Springs Rescue Boat on Utah Lake.
It is too small to be safe on Utah Lake in any amount of wind.
It will endanger those who intend to use it and will also take too long to deploy to be of any service.
In short - it was in our opinion a waste of money.


  1. I'm rather bothered by Lehi's choice of location for a police interdiction. Most people traveling on Redwood Road are going to either Saratoga Springs or Eagle Mountain and not Lehi. I view this as Lehi city wishing to fill their coffers with money from SS and EM residents rather than their own. They are targeting (with prejudice) the people of bordering cities. Perhaps the mayors of SS and EM need to send a message to Lehi's mayor that if this practice doesn't stop, they will suggest that residents boycott Lehi businesses.

  2. I found your site from an article in the Daily Herald. Before you judge what I have to say here, please know that A) I moved here 4 years ago, b) I don't know anyone in the city gov. and I am not a real fan of a whole lot that goes on down there. However, I don't agree with doing anything behind a curtain of anonymous surprises. I live in Jacobs Ranch and have a local business in Saratoga Springs. I think that you should consider a couple of items.

    First, You could run for office. On what they are paying Mia, good luck and you will not be able to run with any sort of "V for Vendetta" mask to hide behind. You can't not please everyone and no matter what you do, you are going to make some angry. I can't wait to see how 'open' you are to future with dialog.

    Second: Weeds in the Yard. I have neighbors who piss me off by having weeds everywhere and unfinished yards. I don't give a rats behind about fire hazards. I do care that I went out of my way to finish mine and they did not. I knew the deal when I moved in. I know the economy is tough. It's tough on me. Yet I kept my end of the deal by completing my yard. I'd bet that you are also on the side of all those poor guys hurt by the economy to lower what they owe in their mortgage or forgive some interest? Its the same thing, They made a deal and some people need to have some accountability. 50 bucks a day is just a way to get them to hurry up. It may not be the best plan to get them to comply but what have you offered other than complaints? In my work I always say don't complain unless you give a rationally supported option. (I did not see a lot of solutions in the whole blog, just complaints and are you kidding with the pictures of the weeds?) It did make me laugh a bit.

    Third I hate speeding tickets and I even noticed that it seemed a bit aggressive on Redwood for a while. Glad to see that this was addressed here. I do have a good solution though. I slow down. It only took me one ticket. Now the right way to handle this is to get your group you claim to have, along with me, to get the posted speeds changed! Unfortunately, we can not do this behind a mask either. So I will up your ante a bit on this one and show you both who I am and give you my email address is mrseanwarren@gmail.com and let me know when you are ready to go out and change this one. I will go with you. One condition though: No Mask. That's chicken sh!t.

    I think you are trying some good things and I think that you mean well, I just don't agree with your methods. There are better ways other than attacking with lousy logic, and red herrings. I don't know or care to get involved with the city, (I have HUGE issues with our city planners. Trust me when I say they are a problem. That's one that I would like to go after with you. What kind of multi million dollar, tax base impacting, educated decisions can you expect from people who make 65K a year and won't call you back? Hell, I understand why people don't want to put a business out here. You should see how the folks at Del Taco feel about the city. I got way off on that one,, sorry)

    I don't know Mia other than a hand shake, but see from her responses here that she is genuinely trying to work out something and support this argument with what ever open forum she created to work out issues with the police department. She gave a real solution and one that allows people like us to vent and still get it resolved. Let's work on giving her the chance to do this on some of the other issues and you might get farther. From her responses, She is classy and trying to work it out. Also, even if you claim not to make it personal, what other way can she take it?

    Lastly, you know who I am now and you can hopefully see that I am as sincere as you and I would perhaps consider joining you. (I'd start my agenda with those city planners) Let's just do this the right way. You know who I am and 'they' will too, I have nothing to lose.


  3. Sean, you are exactly right. We had a neighbor move out and the new residents let the yard go to weeds. I am constantly fighting them now. Talk about my freedoms being taken away, I now have to spend time and money on my yard that I would not have to spend if the neighbor would keep the ordinances as well.

    I have worked with the city on several issues, and find that Frank's way of dealing with city government does not work. Why not get involved in a positive way instead of trying to throw dirt and sarcasm? It works a lot better to work with the city, instead of fighting them.

  4. http://edwarddoseforcitycouncil.blogspot.com/
